Prioritize work this morning and early afternoon and leave.

Hello, Allegra will close early today because of the storm. Please travel as you feel safe.

Mike and Jason will prioritize the work for the day for those who make it in today. We won’t be making deliveries.

Snow totals above 7″ made travel difficult during a previous storm.

Please alert Mike and Jason if you are not able to make it in today.

If you are not able to help with production I’d suggest you consider using a PTO or UPTO day. Use Zoho People to log your choice.

If you are able to make it in for half a day you can use Zoho People to for a half day off PTO so you don’t miss hours.

Thank you for all you do for us. Be safe.

In my experience. NOAA weather is the least exaggerated. Weather Underground weather is the most accurate for the local areas. NJ12 weather is the most accurate for the state of New Jersey.