COVID-19 April 27th Update

We Made it 30 Days ! ! ! 
Expect Another 30  (Maybe 60) Days
It’s been 30 days it feels more like a year good job getting it done and let’s keep our efforts up for the next 30 maybe 60 days.
Asked To Limit Contact

I asked you to please limit your interactions the expectation was that you came to work and went home and I know a number of you did that.
Forgot To Ask If Needs Aren’t Met

What I forgot to ask is that were all your needs met. My assumption was getting a full-time paycheck would satisfy your needs I didn’t realize some people had needs beyond that, I’m sorry about that omission.
Respectfully Tell Those Near You

If you are needing to work to pay the rent or satisfy other needs. Realizing that a haircut and rent are different. A haircut is a want a rent payment is a need. Respectfully tell those near you that you are flying in and out of the country or visiting hotspots like Long Island so they can take extra precautions.
Asking To Drop Wants 

I will continue to ask you to drop your wants like hanging out in the backyard with friends. We need to keep social distancing up for another 30 maybe 60 days. I know it’s difficult and every effort you make helps us continue to operate and satisfy those paychecks.
John Hopkins COVID

A good resource that’s not politicized and shares the facts.

A reasonable documentary about how COVID-19 started.
YouTUBE “Simulating an Epidemic”

A good explanation of what the models look like with animation.
Mentioned in What They Think

Whoo Hoo, you were mentioned in an industry magazine for being the largest center in Alliance Franchise Brands.